SBEM & Non-Domestic EPC
Project Type: SBEM & Non-Domestic EPC
Project Name: Southway Housing, New Head Offices
Location: Princess Road, Manchester
Turnaround: 1 Year Project
Date: 2018
Greater Manchester EPC can help you by offering three types of asbestos surveys to cover all eventualities. Our team are fully qualified UKAS-accredited in asbestos reporting, so you can be confident we adhere to strict controls and provide a high standard service.
Greater Manchester EPC can help you by offering three types of asbestos surveys to cover all eventualities. Our team are fully qualified UKAS-accredited in asbestos reporting, so you can be confident we adhere to strict controls and provide a high standard service.
Asbestos surveys are a legal requirement for buildings built before 1999: under The Control of Asbestos Regulations. Asbestos in your premises is potentially serious issue, and especially for business owners. Any buildings constructed before the year 2000 could contain asbestos; it was used for many parts of structures including ceiling tiles, cladding, pipes, insulation, boilers, floorboards, cisterns, pillars and spraed coatings. Exposure to asbestos fibres kills around 5,000 workers every year in the UK. Inhaling asbestos dust can cause fatal illnesses, so any trace of these fibres poses a serious health hazard to your staff and visitors.
We offer three main types of asbestos surveys:
1.0 Asbestos Management Survey
This is a standard survey to locate and as far as reasonably practicable identify the presence and location of Asbestos in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy. Areas inspected should include underfloor coverings, above false ceilings, lofts, inside risers, service ducts, lift shafts, basements, cellars, undergrounds rooms etc.
2.0 Refurbishment / Demolition Asbestos Survey
This type of survey is required prior to any works which will disturb the fabric of the building. This is a disruptive and intrusive survey which involves breaking through walls and partitions and to open up floors. The aim is to identify where practical all asbestos in the premises which needs to be removed prior to demolition or refurbishment work being carried out. The survey report should be used to help in the tendering process for the removal of asbestos.
3.0 Asbestos Re-inspection
A re-inspection is carried out as a follow up to the surveys detailed above and is used to monitor previously identified Asbestos materials as part of the legally required management of Asbestos
Call us for a chat on 07875 753571 or email info@greatermanchesterepc.co.uk
If you prefer, use our quick and simple contact us form.
For more information on asbestos surveys, please enquire or call 07875 753571.
Project Type: SBEM & Non-Domestic EPC
Project Name: Southway Housing, New Head Offices
Location: Princess Road, Manchester
Turnaround: 1 Year Project
Date: 2018
Project Type: Non-Domestic EPC
Location: Carrington Football Training Ground
Services: Non-Domestic EPC
Turnaround: 72 hours
Date: August 2018